The mistakes in digital transformation that you should not replicate

The mistakes in the digital transformation that your company made in 2021 and should not replicate this year 2022

Digital transformation is more than just incremental adjustments, it’s the use of technology to make quantum improvements. It is also a strategy to greatly review the business model that an organization is leading, but on several occasions this process can be cumbersome, which leads to making mistakes.

For some time now we have seen how technology takes over more and more of our daily chores, our work, our processes. There are more and more things that we can do from our phone or computer, without the need to store large amounts of files that over the years are forgotten. This process is called digital transformation, through which companies implement disruptive changes in their organization, their customers and their market by incorporating technology to make changes in their business model, products and services. Sometimes, this is a challenge that is underestimated by companies, as they ignore the fact of combining strategy, business model and organizational culture and focus entirely on technological change. There are several companies that do not have a clear idea of what this process is about and end up making five main mistakes that can put the organization at risk:

  1. They don’t spend enough time understanding the depth of the problem and the size of the opportunity they have.
  2. They focus mostly on implementing technological solutions and not on taking advantage of the solutions already installed.
  3. They do not have a well-defined Roadmap to achieve small, quick and frequent victories.
  4. They forget the role that people play in the process and the associated cultural change.
  5. Owners and/or general managers do not spend enough time promoting, disseminating and supporting the Transformation process.

Regarding this, according to the study “Latam Insights 2021” carried out by PageGroup, more than 60% of companies accelerated their Digital Transformation in 2020. However, in contrast there is a revealing fact: More than 70% of the initiatives in this process have failed. It is for this reason that digital transformation is a decision that must be taken after a thorough analysis of the processes and technical and human capital capabilities. Being, the rush and lack of planning, the main reason that can lead an organization to make these mistakes.

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